Visa Subject to Contract

The Visa Subject to Contract is aimed at foreigners traveling to Chile to comply with an employment contract. This visa may also be granted to those who are in the national territory and who intend to settle in the country for the same purpose. This permit can be granted for a maximum period of up to 2 years. After term of the [...]

2020-09-07T05:09:46-03:00November 19, 2019|News|2 Comments

Supreme Court Comments on the Migration Law Draft

On May 20th of 2013, president Sebastián Piñera introduced a migration bill with the purpose of replacing the current regulation about the matter, which dates from 1975. A few months later that same year, the congress ordered the Supreme Court of Justice to issue a report with their opinions in the matter, especially about articles [...]

2018-10-12T12:00:05-03:00October 12, 2018|News|0 Comments

Amount of foreign workers allowed to work in Chilean companies

When addressing the role of foreigners in the Chilean workforce, we find the main belief that all companies have a limit of foreign workers who can work within it. It’s important to clarify that the current chilean legislation on the matter, when regulating the number of foreign workers who can serve the same employer, indicates that 85% [...]

2018-10-05T15:36:45-03:00October 4, 2018|News|0 Comments